Ammunition of the Syrian T-72

Laid before the tank 15 high-explosive shells, 6 and 14 cumulative armor-piercing. What is interesting, in addition to the ancient BPS BM23 "Hairpin" and there are two more modern BM44 "Mango": the differences are clearly visible in the form of a master, as well as a long and thin core "Mango". similar pattern was observed in March at the photos of trophies from the checkpoint "Tel-Hamam":

Here on twelve BM23 four "Mango", and another two shells can not identify a package: ( We can assume that BPS "Mango" has been introduced in the ammunition Syrian T-72 as the shells increased penetration in addition to the more widespread BPS "Hairpin" (just as in the Great Patriotic armor-piercing shells were intended to hit particularly hard targets and included in the amount of ammunition in several pieces, and most of the BC accounted caliber projectiles.) It would be interesting to look at their operational use.