Hydro Powered Jetovator

If you’re looking for the absolute best Christmas gift this holiday season, look no further than the Hydro Powered Jetovator. This jet-pack inspired watercraft is the ultimate action sports vehicle to hit the lake, river, or ocean with.

Shooting riders 25 feet into the air (at speeds of up to 25 mph), this completely steerable flying seat is powered by three streams of water (which means you can’t use it on land). Think of it like a motorcycle powered by water jets. The driver steers the Jetovator with two individually controlled water nozzles, allowing the ability to perform everything from backflips to barrel rolls. You can even dive 10 feet underwater after soaring high above the ocean. 

It might look a bit complicated, but the brand insists that with only 20 minutes of instructions, you will be ready to hit the open water. Retailing for about $7,000, this gadget could be worth every penny, but it might be a bit out of our price range for holiday shopping. 

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